Travel Information

Air Travel

There are direct flights to YUL, Montréal-Trudeau International Airport from many Canadian cities, including Edmonton, Calgary, Halifax, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Victoria and London.

Airport Transportation

747 YUL Aéroport Montréal-Trudeau / Centre-ville shuttle

The 747 shuttle service runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, between YUL Montréal-Trudeau airport, métro stations Lionel-Groulx and Berri-UQAM and the Gare d'Autocars de Montréal.

Board the shuttle at the airport at platform 15, inside the Gare d'Autocars de Montréal, located at 1717 Berri Street. Depart at René-Lévesque / Saint-Laurent stop. From there, the Hotel Place d’Armes is a short 600m (8 min) walk. Fare is $11. For more information, please see their website.


Taxis are available from the airport to downtown Montreal for a flat fee.


Train Travel

The VIA Rail network connects many major cities to Montréal including Toronto, Ottawa and Quebec City. Montréal Central Station train station gives you easy access to downtown, and several destinations are accessible by public transit. The Hotel Place d’Armes is approximately 1200m (15 min) walk.