Contact Us

Please review our common FAQ listed below.  If these FAQs still have not answered your question, please feel free to contact the National Office with this form. 

DUES:  The deadline for membership dues is July 1.  A 50% late fee is automatically added for late submissions.

RECERTIFICATION:  Professional and Clinical Activity must be submitted every two years, and the deadline is July 1.

EXTENSION REQUIRED:  If either Professional or Clinical Activity cannot be filed by July 1, an extension must be submitted before July 1. Payment of annual dues are required annually by July 1 and are NOT subject to extension.

Completed applications and payment for the National Certifying exam is required by July 1.

All payment options for the Society include VISA, Mastercard or American Express.  Personal cheques are not an accepted method of payment.  All funds are processed in Canadian dollars.

CSCP Mailing Address:  
P.O. Box 21011
London RPO Wonderland Rd. South
Ontario, Canada N6K 0C7

Contact the National Office for courier address.

If your question has not been answered above, kindly contact the National Office by filling out the form below.

  Contact Us